/ projects / portfolio


2024 May 18

Astro logoAstro
Cloudflare Pages logoCloudflare Pages
Github logoGithub
Tailwind Css logoTailwind Css
Typescript logoTypescript
Vue 3 logoVue 3


The content of this site is handled using astro:content. This allows me to write all the projects + work-life experience in an MD file and having it automatically render the content with dynamic routing.


Some components of this project requires Reactivity. The Search Component (Ctrl or CMD + K) and the Filter Component needs to be able to change the rendered result in the DOM. For this Im using Vue 3. There are options that would provide a smaller bundle size and or faster rendering results. The reason I choose Vue is because Im used to working with it and enjoy it.


This project uses Tailwind CSS for styling. The site supports both dark and light mode through Tailwinds dark: class operator.